Wednesday, August 1, 2018


It's been so long guys! I'm sorry I'm not up to date on this blog. :) I love you though!

Friday, June 10, 2016

New Series Now Out!

"Love At First Sight" Out Now

Hey everyone! I have made a new series called "Love At First Sight" for everyone to see. My goal is to reach 50 views on episode 3 for the next episode to come out. Every episode will go up 30 views for the next episode to be released. For example, since Episode 3 needs to have 50 views for the next episode to come out, then Episode 4 will need 80 views for the next episode to come out.

Thanks for being awesome!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

New Video On YouTube

YouTube Account: J!NXED MSP
YouTube Account URL:

Video Name: "JINXED MSP - Q&A Video"
Video URL:

Want to submit a question? 

Message me on MSP your Question! 

Or submit your question at:

Monday, August 17, 2015

Ok this is getting WAY to out of hand!
This Wikia page drama needs to STOP!

I did NOT make  this page at all and all the information on it is FALSE!
I am loosing my friends and supporters because of this Wikia page.

I have been getting questions saying "Why is your page not updated" or "Ugh, your a stuck up jerk! Why would you say stuff was a hit and that you are famous?" and all of that.

The thing is that I NEVER made this page and this user that is saying that he or she is me is NOT ME AT ALL and this is a POSER.

Friday, August 14, 2015

My MovieStarPlanet Wikia Page & Account?

MovieStarPlanet Wikia Page & Account

  Hello everyone! I have been asked about the msp wikia page about me. I will not be giving out any names though ok! ;) 
  I hear that there is a MSP Wikia page about me and saying info about me. People have asked about the stuff on there and that I am "Using People's Fame" on there. And that breaks my heart that people can be that cruel to say that stuff about me.
  I just want to let everyone know that this "user" that made this page and saying that they are me is a poser. The person who made it has the username of Aidanwest21 on the Wikia. This is not me at all!     My username on the Wikia is either J!NXED, Jinxedster, Jinxedmister, and Acwesty. I have NO accounts named Aidanwest21 on the Wikia at all! SO please be aware of this poser.

  This user has also been asking for people's phone numbers and giving out false info about me on there. Please know that I would NEVER ask for your personal information about you and that the info on the Wikia has TONS OF FAKE AND FALCE INFO on it.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Mybeau Is Back and Packers Is Hacked


Hey guys! You know how Mybeau has quit the game? Well she is back and better than ever! Here is a picture of her status: 

See she is back and better than ever! So give a big welcome back to Mybeau!


Next We have Packers212121 is supposedly hacked? Here is a picture of Packers212121's status captured on my main and backup:

So... that looks like he is hacked. Please remember these are from my main and backup account. So who is this so called hacker Ev1l G3nious you ask? Well I will do some research on this. I will keep you updated on this.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Stuff Wont Work

Dang... my account is messed up! 

I can't open my profile or the high scores at all now! 

I am so mad! I keep telling Movie Star Planet staff about it and they keep saying, "Make sure you have an updated version of Java, your current web browser, and Adobe Flash Player on your computer." Over and over again! I'm like... can't they even try to help or look at whats going on with my account? 

If you know how to fix this please comment below and I will look at it. And I would highly appreciate it if you did!

Yours Truly,


Saturday, May 23, 2015

J!NXED Academy

J!NXED Academy

Welcome to J!NXED Academy! But J!NXED Academy is actually like Porter Academy!
Surprise!  J!NXED Academy is about supporting J!NXED's statement of
"Ending Bullying" and helping others. So to be in J!NXED Academy all you have to do is be 
a friend to others and you have to not bully! Easy as pie!

Monday, May 4, 2015

My Backup Account Revealed

My Official Backup Account

I now released who my backup account was! After some time of thinking, I finally decided to tell you all who it was!

His username is The J!NXED and he is my official backup account.

Friday, May 1, 2015



Moviestarplanet now has photos!!!

They just added it to USA MSP finally!

But I cant post photos though! :(

You have to be 13+ years old to post photos! *-*

But still.... that is awesome! 

Now we can see what our MSP friends look like now!

But be careful when sharing photos! You never know who is on the other side of the screen looking at the photos you posted! Watch this video about safety!

You might have noticed that this video does not talk about photo sharing safety! ^-^ Well that was just to help you notice some things to remember! But it shows some rules in there that is related to photo sharing safety though! Like never share your email or actual name or never tell others your age and all of that! But the photo sharing rules say never to post pictures with text in the pictures like if you hold a paper saying "I am ______ and I am ___ years old!" in it.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Jinxed Academy

Jinxed Academy

Jinxed Academy coming soon! 
Do you want to enroll and save a spot for you?
Well enroll now, and you will have a reserved spot in the academy!

If you want to have a spot saved for you email me at to get enrolled!

If you want to enroll to the academy when it opens up please stay updated to the blog or my YouTube!

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog!

Hi! Its J!NXED here! Thanks for visiting my blog! Here you can get all the updates from me and all my latest news!